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Treasure Chest Link!


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I've looked around for a mod that links the Hearthfire home's chests with the other player home's chests, but I haven't had any luck. The closest mod I've seen is this one.....




... but sadly I believe that the creator is inactive. This mod does exactly what I want it to do, except it doesn't include the Hearthfire dlc homes in the link.

I would really like to see this mod made, and I appreciate anyone willing to give this request a look!


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have you tried General Stores? I know they have a Hearthfire setup, I believe there are player mod homes that use it, and I saw when I just searched for it that there is a "Vanilla Houses" WIP. If you search the nexus for General Stores, you will find lots of plug ins for it, and there are some listed on the page as well.
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