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With all the gun mods running around, why not make a mod of the coolest gun ever made?

Out of all the cross-game gun mods, I think this would be one of the most desired.

I'm talking about the BFG 10K from Quake 2, ofcourse.

This was the best weapon in all the Quake (and Doom) series, way better than Doom's BFG 9K or Quake 3's version of the 10K.

With the crossbow animation, I think it would be no problem for a skilled modder to bring it to Skyrim, just make a green orb fly out of it and have a huge explosion on impact.

Thanks in advance!

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With all the gun mods running around, why not make a mod of the coolest gun ever made?

Out of all the cross-game gun mods, I think this would be one of the most desired.

I'm talking about the BFG 10K from Quake 2, ofcourse.

This was the best weapon in all the Quake (and Doom) series, way better than Doom's BFG 9K or Quake 3's version of the 10K.

With the crossbow animation, I think it would be no problem for a skilled modder to bring it to Skyrim, just make a green orb fly out of it and have a huge explosion on impact.

Thanks in advance!


This should be a Fallout 3 or New Vegas Request not Skyrim. A Energy Gun in a Hack and Slash game would Break the Lore. Although I am for the BFG 10k being in Fallout I also played a lot of Quake 2.

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