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I'm so sick and tired of how unstable the game is


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You guys need to realize one thing :

If you install random untested mods by untrained people, many of whom barely know what they are doing - then what you are playing is no longer skyrim.


Skyrim itself is a really stable game when used with current drivers.

Whenever I had crashes or problems it was due to mods or ini file changes.


As mentioned before you need a clean save before you install mods. 99% of the time the problems will go away after removing the mods and loading a clean save.


You basically are destined to get problems if you just install multiple mods at once. Make your choices carefully and test after every 1-2 mods that you install. You will surprised to see how small mods can break your game.


The game will also become instable if you push it beyond your hardware limits via too many high res textures or something similar. If you are too lazy to test each mod properly - don't blame the game.

Edited by AnotherAvatar
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Seeing as 3/4 of my mods are ones made by Seasoned Skyrim modders from Nexus I can safely say it isn't them and mods that do make my system unstable get removed faster then you can say dragon.


Hearthfire has bugs in it for sure I had issues with it in Dawnstar while building the house and I have no mods that alter how the Vanilla house looks or is built for any of the three holds that Hearthfire adds houses to.

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