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Stemin - Formal warning issued

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Stemin has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Flaming another site member over personal disagreements about how games companies should conduct themselves regarding people with disabilities.


Missing the point again. First of all, I know how to uninstall mods properly and not only remove the files but run a registry editor too and woo, I even know about regedit too.


As usual, it's all about you. YOU have a friend who works at a software store so everyone elses information is irrelevant. YOUR bugs aren't fixed, so Bethesda is incompetent. Etc. etc.


Secondly, when I had the bug with the Dawnguard Vamp Lord tutorial on my desktop rig I said to myself "Well this could well be a mod conflict". So I installed totally fresh and vanilla ON A DIFFERENT MACHINE, I have an Acer Aspire with a whomping great core i7, ATI 5850 mobility and 16GB RAM that I knew could run Skyrim. And guess what - I got the bug again. I therefore pointed all this out to Bethesda in my tech support request, and even they acknowledged it as a vanilla bug that they were working on. I can attach the ruddy email if you like. And when I complain about bugs, I mean the real gamebreakers like that one.


Again. Not talking about the DLC.


You might well not see a problem with the UI, but then you probably don't have a disability which affects your hands. When you have rheumatoid arthritis your hands can feel like someone hit them with a hammer, and that's on a good day. The reason I don't use my XBox 360 much is actually the controller, my hands are not up to it. I have to throw large amounts of money at the most touch sensitive mouse and mechanical keyboard I can find and play on PC. I remember in the days when Skyrim first came out and I could not cope with the UI, going on the netz and finding that the UI was getting a real caning by disabled gamers. So the vanilla UI is actually physically difficult for some people because of its consoleitis. I was a happy girl when I discovered SkyUI.


First off, Bethesda should not have to cater to disabilities, and the expectation that they should is utterly and completely ridiculous. Should they start making special copies for people who are color blind? How about special copies for people with only one hand? I can't believe you ever had the nerve to go there.


Your arthritis is YOUR problem. You should be coming up with accomodations that suit you. Not blaming Bethesda. Personally I think a medical condition would trump me trying to play video games, but hey. They're not my priorities. I like playing basketball too, but I'm 50 lbs overweight and have bad feet. I think I'm gonna write a letter to Huffy and complain that they don't make their basketball hoops 5 feet off the ground so I can sit on my ass and shoot.


As a matter of fact, the idea that someone has arthritis and they're complaining about the 360 is another absurdity to me. You're honestly telling me that cramping your left hand up to use the WASD setup is better for you than a gamepad? Really?


I seriously can't believe you're making this argument.


This warning pertains to this thread.




As part of the warning, Stemin has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 30 days



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