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Back Shield Mod


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I'm aware there is a back shield mod that puts a shield on your back when it's not in use. I'd like to ask the mod community if there is a mod that adds the armor rating of the shield when you put it on your back and if you can wear it while using a two-handed weapon. If there isn't could someone take this commission?


That's all. Just a simple mod that lets me wear a shield on my back, reap the armor benefit, and wear it while using a two-handed weapon.


I'm not sure if it's possible to allow the shield to stop arrows/spells/weapon strikes that hit the shield while I'm wearing it on my back, and that'd be super awesome, but I'd be happy with just having the armor rating while wearing.

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A bit in the same spirit of http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26214


Some people suggested the shield thing at Workshop, but I haven't started to work on it yet.

I think I could probably make bigger patch to this mod and add wearable shields into it too? (Gonna start working on staves during weekend, might as well try to do it with shields)


However, as you said, it would be impossible/really hard to make it block attacks from back, but the armor rating bonuses could be added. (and the effects which the shield have, for example, shield of solitude would have the magical enchantment when used on back as it has when used as shield)


However, I am not any sort of scripter, so I don't know how to do anything more complicated.

No blocking on back, no switching from back to hand.

Just wearable shields. (which are made at forge from the shield itself and can be reverted back?)

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Hmm. I'd be happy with that. Just something you can do at the forge or maybe even easier at a tanning station. Maybe shield + leather strips makes "whatever shield" into "whatever backshield." Then when you wear it, it sits squarely on your back, adds the armor bonus and adds any enchantment it's got to you too.


I tried the above mod, and the one thing I didn't like was that the shield sits down low and to the left, and clips very badly with the character's left arm when he walks (not to mention it clips very badly with anything else on the back of the character, like a two-handed weapon or leather pouches from bandolier mod)


I'd like to humbly request that the shield sit squarely in the center of the back, vertical (so the bottom of a tower shield sits below the butt, no off at an angle), and away from the character enough (make that customizable?) that it doesn't clip with anything.


Thanks for taking my request!

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