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Muscular Bodies


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If it's "all of a sudden", I'd consider opening your mod manager and sort mods by installation time, then check the mod pages for the last few mods you installed (both the description and the posts tabs) which apply to humanoid characters (NPCs, followers etc).


If that doesn't work, post your mod list. Someone might recognize the culprit.

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Oh...you installed 33 mods at the same time that directly affect humanoid shapes? Oh dear. My sympathies friend.


And on the off chance you're frustrated and noting it with "33 mods"... I did say "which apply to humanoid characters" in my original reply. Not trying to blow you off. It's how I'd check and all I can really offer to help you. Someone else may come along with a direct solution, but you'll have to be patient.


best wishes.


PS> Post that mods list dude. At least those 33. Who knows, maybe even I might see something.


For instance, I have a couple mods that theoretically allow for more muscular looking bodies afaik BOSSE and I *think* Manipulator, although as I recall, they *can* act on select bodies over time (if the effect is chosen), (can also apply a gradually increasing tan fwiw), but not instantly.

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