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Grain to Glass, A craft Brewery mod proposal


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Hi All lovers of Stardew Valley!


One mod I'd desperately love to have and am astounded isn't available is a craft brewery mod. It would be great to be able have more options than just beer and pale ale to brew at the farm, so the following is a list of suggestions which could be added to the game to create more depth.


First off, changes to existing crops and forage


The first is wheat, yes you can make beer out of wheat but most beer is made of barley. Wheat is used to make speciality beers like German Weissbier or Beligian Witbier. So I suggest changing the generic name "beer" to "Weissbier".


Next up, Corn. Corn has been used to make a wide variety of fermented beverages over the use and is a common ingredient in many American lagers. As we're aiming for a craft brewery I would suggest adding in Chicha, an Indigenous american type of corn beer.


Rice is a bit of a quandry, we could make it into Light Beer, or go more traditional and make sake. I suggest the Unmilled rice be made into Light Beer and Milled Rice into sake. It should also probably be removed from Pierre's to avoid people buying in bulk to feed their kegs.


Pumpkin was a very traditional colonial era beverage and tons of craft breweries try their hand at Pumpkin beers every year come October. Drop pumkin juice and let's male pumkin ale instead.


Amaranth is another grain which can be used to make beer, today it is commonly used to make Gluten Free Beers, so I suggested being able to make Gluten Free Beer out of Amaranth.


Potato, don't know about you but I've never had potato juice, I have had a few potato beers though. So let's brew up some Potato Beer in Stardew Valley!


Winter Roots and Cave Carrots are described as being starchy so both could be used to make beers in theory. So we could make Root Ale out of both items.


Yams and Snow Yams, Sweet Potato Beers are not unknown in craft brewing circles so these two types of yams could be used to make Sweet Potato Beer!


Dandelion roots and leaves have can both be used to make beers, the leaves add bitterness, the roots at starch and coffee falvour to the beer, even flowers can be added to change colour. So Dandelion Ale could definitely be added.


Mixed Seeds are obtained by cutting weeds, many weeds are in fact wild grasses like crabgrass which was once a gran crop. Some weed seeds, like Queen Anne's lace, can be used as a flavoruing. So I suggest making Mixed able to be turned into Wild Ale or Hedge Row ale.


In eastern Europe stale rye bread is used to make Kvass, a be mildly alcoholic beer. I suggest that Bread be able to be turned into Kvass.


Dessert Stouts are all the rage in brewing circles, so I suggest that most of the cakes, pies and other sweet baked goods could be made into Dessert Stouts.


Oyster Stout, yeah...oysters can be used to flavour stouts...


Next up New grains


Wheat, Corn and Amaranth aren't the only commonly grown grains out there.


Barley is the the main grain typically turned into beer today (at least in the Western World). Barley should be added to make Lager.


Oats could be added to make Oatmeal Porter.


Rye could be added to make Roggenbier.


Buckwheat could be added to make Gluten free Beer.


Sorghum is used to make beer all over Asia and Africa


Millet is another beer used to make beer in Africa.


Teff can also be used to make beer, traditonally called Tella.


Further Foraging


Wild ingredients could also be used to make traditional and experimental beers. New forage options could be...


Spruce Tips, once used to make Spruce Beer. These could randomly fall out of pine trees.


Bog Myrtle was once a traditional beer flavoruing in Europe used to make Gruit Ales before hops were commonly used. Could come up randomly while fishing.


Flint Corn or Indian corn could be a forage item found in fall, colourful corn used to make traditional Chicha.


Chicory Stout can be used making the roots of wild chicory to add coffee like flavours to beer.


Wood Oats could be found in the secret forest and used to make Forest Ale.


Sea Oats could be gathered by the beach and used to make Ocean beer.


Desert Grains could be gathered in Calico to make Desert ale, examples like Indian Rice Grass, Nipa Grass, California Buckwheat and Wild Amaranths are all edible wild grains that could be used for brewing or baking.


All sorts of wild grains could be used to make Wild Ale, Crabgrass, Wild Oats, Eastern Gammagrass, Saltbush, Cockspur Grass, WIld Buckwheats, Little Barley and many, many other wild grains are edible, nutritious and can be used to brew or bake. Some of them were once used in agriculture but fell by the wayside with the rise of monocropping.



In essence all these things would take the same amount of time to brew as beer/pale ale, all be age able in casks and give you the ablility to be a real seasonal craft brewery.


I hope the sparks some interest in this underserviced aspect of SDV!






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