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General Mod Problem


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So I have a small problem with my nexus mod manager. I recently updated the manager to a newer version, but after I had done that all my mod files were gone (to clarify; my game is still modded, but none of the mods are listed in the manager). I'm not entirely sure that it was because of the update, it might have something to do with steam messing with local / cloud files relating to the game, or it might be something else completely.


Basically, I wanna know if there's a way to fix this.


Thank you in advance. :)

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I haven't downloaded a single mod from the steam workshop, all the mods I have are from the nexus website. My main suspiscion is that steam might somehow have tampered with my local skyrim files, because I remember there being a prompt asking me that my local files didn't match the cloud files and it asked me which ones I wanted to keep. I clicked the cloud files, thinking that something might've been corrupt in my local skyrim files, but the only thing that changed

was the NMM having issues locating my mod files.

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