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Those Damn Save Game Files!


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This is how i feel :wallbash: .


So here is my problem: I got to Paradise Falls, saved the game, then quit. After a few hours tried to load the game and guess what Fallout 3 crashed to Desktop.


I've tried disabling all the mods - didn't work; setting the game detail to very low - didn't work; tried to load the .bak save game files - you guessed it still didn't work.


The thing is that all my other save game files work, but they are too old.


The problem might be Paradise Falls, cause I've saved and loaded games just out side of Paradise Falls and they worked, now I'm inside and I can't load Those Damn Save Game Files!


A solution might be hex editing the save files to place the character somewhere else(outside "slavers vile").Does anyone know how.


If someone got any solution to my problem, please do help.


Still felling like this :wallbash: .

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