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"Severealism" Mod / Peasant Simulator 3000


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So I've had two ideas festering in my head for about six months now. Every once in a while I get a bee in my bonnet and test one aspect or another. Only recently, however, have I had the idea to combine them. In addition, I've only just recently had the idea to share these ideas as to do them well would likely be out of my skill range and take too much of my free time. Anyways, my ideas.


"Severealism" is what I'm calling the first idea. There are quite a few mods out there in the same genre, but none of them are that all encompassing. I'm talking about taking realism to some extremes here as much as possible. This would address carry weight, need for sleep, food, water, visual effects (like making night darker), and everything else. I mean there are some mods that come close and do some of those things really well, I've never found one that does it all and does it all to some serious extremes. I'm a backpacker, mountaineer, bow hunter, and my father was a member of the local search and rescue so these things are kind of my area of expertise.


Peasant Simulator is my nickname for the other mod. In short, I've noticed that among myself and my friends, when given a sandbox game we always eventually end up not wanting to be heroes but to have boring and mundane lives. So my idea would be, more or less, to make that possible in Skyrim, and perhaps not only possible but balanced with and important to the main "saving the world" aspect. Now there's a couple mods out there for this, but none of them have ever really balanced them out well and they just seem... to lack depth I suppose. The idea would be that you could follow any number of paths in life. You could open businesses, work for NPCs, start a farm, run a mine, whatever.


Now the reason I include these two together is that I think they would go splendidly if combined in to one. On the other hand, they'd also be fine as standalone mods. One idea I did have for the combination of the two I feel would actually be easier in the long run and perhaps more flexible. If the two were combined it might be cool to instead of reworking Skyrim, build a new world for it to use. I suppose this is sort of along the lines of say... DayZ, but I don't think it'd go that in depth. I've had some ideas for this idea that it could take place elsewhere in Tamriel, or during some point in history, or even in pre-history around the beginning of civilization.


Of course, instead of no longer making a mod for Skyrim and practically making a new game, the two could be combined and still be a part of skyrim. Perhaps create part of another province or something to house all this. Don't know.


Anyways, these are just the ramblings of an overworked writer, so I apologize if I've gone on too much.



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you should make damage more realistic, 'cause i got stabbed by a zombie once and the doctors were never able to stitch the lower half of my spine back onto the top.


the first step in a realism mod would be to wonder what exactly were these people thinking building a castle every 5 minutes and only employing 20 or so guards for the entire region, and how do you feed whiterun with so few cabbages. i'd turn all those castles and forts into villages, surround them with farms, plants and animals, then divide whatever is left between 'destroyed by war' and hunting areas. plonk a lord in the castle, instigate taxation, and people to mill about buying your wares. rebalance the predator to prey ration. make dungeons a proper trial, and evil regions no go areas full of monsters, and dragons a decon 2 catastrophe.


then turn your exp down to 5-10% so it takes a few game years to become a master blacksmith, oh and a fork isn't worth its weight in gold.


that's just me, i'm not really into realism, i can think of a lot more ways in which skyrim isn't reeeeeal.

i just wish someone would just make a simple 'drink water mod' and animations for skinning animals you loot. then the game would be complete.

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