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I was wondering if someone can make a chain sickle weapon, it doesnt have to be animated or have physics just a plain 1 handed sword would be fine. but if you can make physics work that would be great.


For those who dont know what a kusarigama is in japanese "chain sickle".


You could make two versions one holding the actual scythe with the chain hanging below and another version where your holding the end of the chain and the sickle and chain is extended out.


here are a few reference pictures





So basically it would work like two giant onehanded weapons and have dual weilding dagger animations no need for new animations i dont care about the physics. Just the mesh imported into the ck and uses dagger animations.


on each hand it would look like this:



and if possible make the little handle go between the knuckles of the closed fist sort of like this



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