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Ideas for Mods when Bethesda releases the SDK


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i think giving Fo3 a nice new set of realistic animations would be amazing, like in cod4 when they are just running around with the gun held tight against them aiming down the sight, that would be awesome, and just generally a whole new animation set would be uber :yes:
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I just want more things to do and stories to play out in the major cities. They feel so empty and hollow and pointless. Maybe something like a Powerstruggle in Megaton Quest. Moriarty tries to turn residents on each other to gain power. Simms fights back. If Simms is dead, the Church of Atom starts a cult that opposes Moriarty. The players choices have many consequences.


Or maybe turn the various places into variations of the guild missions from Oblivion. Paradise Falls will be like a slaver guild you can join and have a slew of missions you can do. Tenpenny Towers will be some kind of elitist guild where you have to do missions to recruit only beautiful and rich people and eradicate the rest. Collect or steal items of wealth like art and paintings, etc. The Regulators guild is another idea. The concept existing in the game is pretty empty without actual missions. You just people and sell fingers.


We know what Oblivion is capable of. Fallout seems rushed and empty in many places where if you finish one or two small minor things, it becomes pointless to ever visit places like Rivet City again when they should be vibrant and thriving centers of activity or missions.

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Yeah Dickbans suggest and something what will bring life to the Wasteland. More people in towns and in wasteland walking around, kiling monsters, fighting with supermutants. More scripted enclave helicopters, more animals, and just more scripted things to bring the life to wasteland! :wallbash: Yeah and bigger map with more cities will rule!
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Things I'd love to see done (but not to the extent of a complete overhaul or Total Conversion):


- Multiple Textures for Armor/Equipment for varying durability values.

That set of Leather Armor looks dusty, dingy, and like a brahmin trampled it at <30% Durability, but at >80% it should look relatively well-maintained and have some of the lustre back. Same goes for weapons... a Hunting Rifle at 100% looks just as untrustworthy as one at 10% that jams up on every reload.


- More flexibility for expanding the music selection on GNR.

Basically fix the loop/skip bug for changed songs, and allow for more than 20 tracks, without having to group them into 2-3 song groups. (If I have 40+ songs, I don't want to have the same repetition of certain songs always coming after certain others... The station plays them randomly, so why can't we have a way to expand from only 20 tracks to more?)


- Fast Travel restrictions.

Only Fast Travel from Wastland locations, not from inner D.C. to outter. It doesn't seem feasable that you can easily bypass the Super Muties inside D.C., just because none are in radar range right then. But, out on the open wastes, you have more options to skirt around percieved threats in your path. If you have to use a metro to get there, then you'll just have to hoof it (or use FT to get across open areas and then run the tunnels).


- Fast Travel interruptions. (most extensive wish on the list... may never be viable, even with the SDK)

Re-institute the random encounter system from the old days. If you use Fast Travel to get around, there should be a chance that you CAN'T find a way around a group of raiders, bots, or yao guai and will have to engage them.

Either drop you off somewhere between the starting location and destination, or even utilize an 'arena' setup for the fight... once it's over, find the exit, and you automatically continue on to your destination. (Luck and Perception scores would mitigate the chances of getting caught in an ambush, as with oldschool FO1/2)

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