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Enderal- After Using Creation Kit and Nifskope, it crashes


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So after following this tutorial: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/576983-tutorial-assign-meshes-to-new-body-parts/


My game has been consistently crashing after adjusting armor slot orders.
By crashing, I mean it does not go pass the black loading screen.


I tried uninstalling the .esp file the armor is associated with and tried launching the game through SKSE, but it still crashes.


Everything was fine before I installed the Creation Kit and Nifskope, but I have no idea if this is the problem.

I checked the CrashFixPlugin.txt and all I get is
02 Feb 15:04:36 Game has crashed with exception address 0x588D502B!

I also launched SKSE a few more times and found inconsistencies with the exception addresses.

02 Feb 15:00:37 Game has crashed with exception address 0x58AC502B!
02 Feb 15:04:36 Game has crashed with exception address 0x588D502B!
02 Feb 15:14:10 Game has crashed with exception address 0x58D9502B!
02 Feb 15:15:58 Game has crashed with exception address 0x58FA502B!

Any info to help on this issue?
Ask any questions as well.
Edited by BuyBeh
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Are you using the Steam version of Enderal or the standalone (which is not recommended anymore as that one is old and unsupported).


If in doubt, I would recommend reinstalling.



I always use the linking system as provided by SureAI to install the CK:



Yet with that fix, I destroyed my Enderall install a few times, as I wanted to get a look onto the original "Skyrim.esm" from Skyrim Classic, which I currently haven't installed.

So when I installed it and forget to unlink the folders, I completely messed up the Enderal install. XD


Had to reinstall... In such circumstances, it's best to do that.

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Standalone. And yeaaaah...

...shucks. Well, thanks for the reply- I knew CK messed up my Enderal install somehow. xD

Sad realities of modding.

Now I need to figure out if I am able to recycle some mods from the messed-up Enderal install...

Edited by BuyBeh
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Be aware that standalone and steam-version differ pretty much.

Even regarding the mods.


I've recently updated the "Detect Dead" mod, as the original one which ran fine on the standalone version now crashes the Forgotten Stories-version on Steam.


I personally would recommend that you use the steam version.

It's more stable and has more content. :wink:

Only the mods need to get updated for...

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