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Damage-dependant bloodsplatters


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Have you ever wondered why a punch landed on a heavily armored player/npc produces as much bloodshed as if it was a hit with a chainsaw? Or that battleaxe power attack that one-hit executed a weak bandit doesn't spill enough blood to live to its mighty appearance? In brief - the depiction of blood doesn't take into account the damage dealt. be it 1 DP (damage point) or 100 - the ammount of blood decals is the same, which leads to funny situatuions, such as bloodsplatters worth of a battlefield after a tavern brawl or a nearly invisible tiny spill of ketchup after powerful decapitating blow.


While I do understand, that there are mods like Crimson Tide (I have it installed), they simply deal with changing the visuals of blood decals (i.e. making it hi-res or otherwise better looking). I would like to ask for a mod that changesbloodsplatter size depending on a damage done. damage of 1 produces little-to-no blood, damage of 100 and more makes it look nasty.




Edited by Themdl
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