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Custom Animation Set SSE, help me please!


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Hi everyone, it's my first topic here!

I need some help. I'm trying to make a custom animation set for my character. I want something similar to a For Honor character, the Jormungandr, who uses an hammer (both 1h and 2h) to hit and his punches to do stamina damage and throw the enemy to the ground.

I want to create a dual wield animation set, in which:

-All the 1-handed standard attacks have the animation of vanilla 1-handed attacks, the power attacks have the 2-handed animation instead

-The lefthand attacks have a punching animation (i've found these perfect BODYHOOKS for standard attacks and maybe some vanilla unarmed punches for the power attacks)

-The idle animation are the classic yy zwheihander, which is really perfect

-all the attacks done with both keys (specialpowerattacks, right?) have the 2 handed power animation


The right-hand weapon will be a mace or a maul and the left-hand will be a weapon created in che CK without models with the skyhook enchantment from summermyst mod, so the punches can really strike the enemy to the ground.


I have some question about my project: can this mix of animation work, or it will be desynced? The timing of the animation depends from tha animation itself or from the kind of weapon i'm using? (I assume the second). And, in order to create the set, i need a mapping or a list or somtheing like that to know the right names for the HKX files. I've already unpacked my animation.bsa but there are a lot of animations and i don't know how to distinguish them. For example: Sometimes there are 1hm_###.hkx or 1hw_###.hkx. What's the difference between 1hm and 1hw?


I already know about FNIS PCEA2 and i have already installed it, so my question is not about mods that can apply animation only to the player, but it's about creating this animation set.


Here some examples of my idea:

-standard right hand attack: 1 handed standard attack animation

-power right hand attack: 2 handed standard attack animation

-powerspecial attack with both hands: 2 handed power attack animation

-standard left hand attack: left body hook (see above) animation (invisible weapon enchanted with skyhook)


Obviusly i will not upload that, it's for my personal use.

I really need some help! I hope that it's possible to create such setup! Thank you very much guys!


I'm with Skyrim Special Edition!

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