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How to Give My Character Pitch Black Skin?


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First of all, sorry if this is the wrong location to post this in. I wasn't sure if it would be more appropriate to post it here or mod requests.

So I've decided to start a new game of Skyrim with a mage/alchemist/enchanting build which I've never gone very far with. I want to play as an Altmer and want to give her pitch black skin. Unfortunately even with the RaceMenu mod I can only get brown skin. Is there a way I can give her pitch black skin? I've been looking online and can't find any real solutions to this, the closest suggestion being creating a new body paint that's black (or maybe make it the same as a skin texture but darkened a lot, making the skin black but keeping the features is that possible?), but I'm not sure how to do that (I think I know how I'd go about creating the texture in GIMP, but don't know what to do after). Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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