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telasero's door barracked


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when ever i try to get in to telasero a message comes up that " it seems as though the door is barracked from the inside you need to find another way in" this happens at all of the strongholds

i did have the master index mod installed .

is their another way in or did i mess things up, also tried lockpick, telekenisis, and the scroll of unhinging.



the cluless

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i'm sorry i think i confused you, or wasn't clear enough with the problem

at first the note was there , i went in

was attacked by members of the sixth house

killed them all

went to lower level door got " the message "

searched around couldn't find anything else

went to go back out of the stronghold

got the same" message"

pretty sure all patches are installed

will install patches again

also have bloodmoon and tribunal installed

this happens at all the strongholds

truthfully i don't know any of the cheat codes

or how to use them

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I'm not technically minded but it seems to me as if this could be caused by the mod you are running. For Telasero there is a key to the locked doors inside the fortress but you shouldn't have a problem getting out. Many of the other fortresses don't have keys.


I have reported a problem of lock-in at some sixth-house caves but that is random, cause unknown and not especially hard to deal with since one can use scrolls and spells to get out. Try disabling the mod and see if it still happens.

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Start up the game again, run a TFH through the console (yes, "tfh" is the entire command), look at the door that won't open, and record the script name that appears.


If you'd prefer, go into the CS with all your data files loaded and fetch the script attatched to the door that way.


If you don't know what is going on, exactly... I've seen this once before and, IIRC, it was the result of some numbskull's mod changing every stronghold door in existance instead of changing a single door, which was likely his intent, for the purposes of adding on his puny little girl-script. Whether this is the case here is not known, but what is fairly certain is that, by some means, you have code loaded in your game that has caused a script to get attatched to all the stronghold doors.

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my all the forces in the universe smile kindly upon you

script attached to the door was " script door barricaded"

i went into cs and changed it to blank.

hopefully i didn't mess anything else up.

also i think i found the mod that changed it

much gratitude and big smiles



the happy again :D


Edit by Malchik:


I think thanks are more likely due to Marxist than me but thanks anyway!

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