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port of "HirelingJenassa"


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(link https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69598?tab=posts&BH=1)


the mod maker included the following with the mod:Permission: feel free to do what you want with this mod.(Just please give credit for my work).


so as far as premission goes,l think this counts. l tryed porting it myself,but l got a black face and useing setnpcweight only kinda worked,so l decided to make this.


EDIT: so l did some tryal and error,but l managed to get it to work in sse! what l did was download the mod as loose files,found the facemap/face tint data (her number is 000B9982), copyed the face map/tint to their respective folders (as seen by following the path the loose files say) then used my mod manager to load the non loose file version of the mod (after removeing the mod.esp file and re ziping it) and now not only does she not have a brown face,her face and body look like the picture in the mod page!


lf l knew how,l would upload this as a mod,but l dont,so l will just copy this onto the mod page comments so others can use it.

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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