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XSO not working after update


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Hi guys, i'm here because 1 of the most ineresting mod (imho) isn't working since the last update of script deagon and skse...


The author have been inactive since April... So now i (and a lot of other players) can't play because the levelling overhaul and other usefull stuff aren't working...


I was thinking, can't someone try to update it? I just think there are 2-3 lines to be fixed because of the new version of script dragon (i'm a total newbie in modding, so i'm just guessing). If not, can't someone try to create a similar mod? It's very needed in my opinion and it's the only mod i couldn't play without...


Hope someone can do something about it! :(


P.S: The mod is XSO, you'll find it pretty easy... It has 500+ endorsement.

I tried already to send a PM on the author, then i saw his last activity: April 2012...


So i'm hopeless he will return to fix it...

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