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Bows are really far out


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For one of my save games (At least one, I haven't checked the others) The bows that I equip don't appear to be attached to my body. They just float a few inches of f my back , and it's kind of annoying. I've tried multiple bows and armors to see if that was the problem, but it persists. I thank anyone who can provide an answer for this in advance. Edited by StefanBuczala
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Hard to know without a picture... but guessing you're just noticing the strange vanilla positioning of the bows and quivers. They sort of float off your character's back (to avoid clipping, I guess).


There are some mods that make it look better - like this one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5711


Hope that helps.

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Hard to know without a picture... but guessing you're just noticing the strange vanilla positioning of the bows and quivers. They sort of float off your character's back (to avoid clipping, I guess).


There are some mods that make it look better - like this one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5711


Hope that helps.

Sorry for taking so long to reply! You are probably right, but I could have sworn they were closer earlier. Oh well. Thanks for the mod suggestion. Also, sorry meant to post the screen cap along with the image. Guess it did't go through.

Edited by StefanBuczala
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