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Modders - Stardew Valley Productivity?


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Hey modders of Stardew Valley,


I have a question for you guys.


There's a mod idea I have for Stardew, and I'm wondering how complicated you all think it would be?


I'm really interested in game theory, and I like to use games to improve productivity. I do this with Stardew Valley. I promise myself "cheats" in the game, in return for hours spent being productive in real life. I don't have much time to play, and this makes it so I can really make irl progress, while still being able to enjoy the game and make significant progress in it, every time I play.


But it would be cooler if there was a mod for that.

Here's my rudimentary idea:


- Make a new tab in the menu, the "productivity" tab

- Include 3 - 5 "skill bars", that can be labeled so they represent the areas of a person's life they're working on (like diet).

- Include a calendar, where days can be checked off as "successful"

- Include a bundle system with a mystery gift. The bundle represents a milestone, and you get a gift when you complete it.


As you level up in skill, you can earn in-game buffs. Like a boost to your friendships, or more critical hit.

Buffs continue, as long as you are keeping up with leveling your productivity. If you play the game for too long without leveling productivity, buffs decrease over time.


In order to level your productivity, you would simply click the bar to add points, depending on your daily accomplishments. So if I needed to wake up early, and did, I might give myself a point in one of my skill bars - potentially one labeled "Daily Routines".




In the future...

- I think it would be really cool if you could edit a file by using chat commands, where you can write in the things you want to accomplish, and then type "1) Done" in chat commands, or something to this effect, to have your to-do list text file changed accordingly.

- It would also be fun to give the villagers additional storylines that suggest real-world challenges that villagers are trying to overcome, so as you accomplish your own challenges in life, new dialogue and events become available for the villagers who are conquering their own challenges. (I think Shane has social anxiety. Andy could lose some weight.)

- For people who are studying, I think it would be cool to add an interactive feature to Maru's lab, or with Maru herself (who could help you study), where you can be given quiz-style questions that you need to answer. You would have to get through this cutscene to use the carpenter's, and she could also send you questions in the mail for when you start a new day. Of course, you would have to make the questions yourself.




Does anyone find this idea at all interesting?

Do you think it's very complex?



I have absolutely no experience writing mods for Stardew Valley, but I have a little bit of programming experience, and strong writing and art skills. If anyone is every looking to gamify Stardew Valley, please PM me. Happy to help for free, or sponsor.


I would just really love it if we could enjoy Stardew Valley without it taking up more time than it should! As it stands, it's hard to make progress in the game without spending an excessive amount of time doing so - so if you're only setting out to play for 20 minutes - it's not very satisfying!


Eager to hear what you all have to say!





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