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problems with blade in the dark and diplomatic immunity.


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so I'm running into a problem. right after the dragon fight delphine goes into her dialogue for the next chapter, where you can ask her why it matters you're dragon born and who the thalmor are, but Blade in the Dark does not complete no matter which choice I make. I've tried using the console to force end the quest, which works, but when I try to use the console to begin Diplomatic Immunity nothing happens. I've tried setting setstage mq201 10 and 30 neither does anything. I've also reloaded several times and tried all the non-console fixes to the "delphine's dialogue is stuck" glitch that I can find online.


I've put like a hundred hours into this file already, I really don't want to have to start over because of a bug. are there any known mods that chew up this quest that I may have installed without knowing it? I'm worried it may be Real Estate, it will have altered delphine's affinity for me after I bought her inn and set a non-standard rent, could that be the cause of this?

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