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mods not appearing


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hey i'm not lying about my game version and what the hell? i just wanted a bit of help, you didn't have to reply to this thread, now if you would please, go jump off a tall building.


and i've figured out how to make the majority of the mods work because i have managed to make nexus mod manager work :D


That reply was not aimed at you, but at asdgora. for questioning why we check for pirated versions when troubleshooting. :rolleyes: If you look closely, there is a green Moderator tag under my name, and posting in Orange is generally how we allow readers to know that it is official. Replying to people who imply that we should just allow pirates is a part of my job. Making comments suggesting that moderators should butt out WILL get you in trouble. (Hint) :whistling:

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hey i'm not lying about my game version and what the hell? i just wanted a bit of help, you didn't have to reply to this thread, now if you would please, go jump off a tall building.


and i've figured out how to make the majority of the mods work because i have managed to make nexus mod manager work :D


That reply was not aimed at you, but at asdgora. for questioning why we check for pirated versions when troubleshooting. :rolleyes: If you look closely, there is a green Moderator tag under my name, and posting in Orange is generally how we allow readers to know that it is official. Replying to people who imply that we should just allow pirates is a part of my job. Making comments suggesting that moderators should butt out WILL get you in trouble. (Hint) :whistling:


my bad, i'm new to the website, sorry

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