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Clarify plz if u can...


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I am now at the point where a message stated..Congrats u have completed the main story-line...am to follow Capon to some "other government" or whatever it said...as Capon's bodyguard. There was another message about just follow Capon off the map & the game will end. Is this right? Am thinking of doing "A woman's lot" now. Can this b done now or do I need to start a New Game? If I continue with this play-thru & follow Capon...what DLC is that? Or will just following Capon continue the game for me? Is this play-thru really over?

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You can do any quests which are still open, including the Woman's Lot dlc. Some may have closed and can be reopened now that those unavailable during 'Siege' are free again, and others failed and are closed. Talmberk adjacent quests are most affected by story events and can be gone for good.

Even if you follow Hans he will change his mind and return to Rataje if you have Amorous Adventures installed but not complete anyway.

Once you have done that quest line though, you can meet Hans to close out the main story... but the game world can still be returned to and you can pootle around and do stuff/explore quest on as you want.

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