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My Alien Themed Player House-Post Your Ideas


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]Ok so im thinking of making an alien themed mod (using mothership zeta items).


I was thinking of making it huge for a house with up to 20 rooms (some secret) for the first upload and more each update.


Here are my current room and feature ideas:


A remote access vendor terminal that would teleport items to a box (once the player makes the house his and visits moira brown with the correct materials [fission battery, scrap metal, alien power cell/module] to set up the teleporter) they would be able to buy as much as they want (if i can i will try to make the ordering system based on the players barter level [if possible]) and even more i would add a sell box that sells the items placed in it for the base price divided by so much [some math stuff in their ill figure it out] then the player would go to the terminal and could see the sell price and then click teleport to sell .

An ammo press for all ammo types (alien included)


An armory (maybe with some new unique guns and energy weapons)


Item storage


Auto-doc (for plastic surgery, haircuts, health , radiation and limbs)




AI core (For main base controls [like defense, power and the first quest.]


Radiation Shower or some kind of laser/force field thing (used upon entering the base and the door out will only become accessible after all radiation is removed)


More teleporters to the major towns (maybe after giving the same items [as Moira] to someone in those towns)


a farm for all plant food types (like Apples, potatoes, carrots, nut fruits, crunchy nut fruits.


ROBOTS (for some kind of function)


water purifier


Water filler [empty soda bottle and bottle cap]


And heaps more once i get some ideas


Oh and i was thinking for the first quest once the player enters the base he would have to fight his way to the AI core and from there they will use the terminal to close the AI core door then flood base with poison or radiation then purge/vent that out then modify the core to humans instead of aliens.


So if you guys have any ideas it will be much appreciated and credit will be given if i use them (with permission)





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What will you do for the bedroom? It would be cool to make a high-tech bed.. that looks like a stasis chamber of some sorts.. that after you sleep in it.. you will be free of all radiation.. full health as normal.. and perhaps some short term bonuses like SPECIAL skills increase.

But i'm not sure this will be possible to do.. will be cool though!

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