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[LE] Spawn Unique NPC without creating duplicates


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It works! thanks so much to all of you.


I used bits of dragons script and due to to checking for existing references, don't need to have a reference already existing in a cell. Next step is to try and implement the FX from the summon spell as max suggested, but i don't think i need nor want to specific the exact location relevant to the player. Spawning next to the player like a follower is precisely what i wanted.


Then i need to give him his proper dialogue without breaking the follower system (which shouldn't be too hard, i've done some of it for an older mod i scrapped) and ill be ready to release the beta.


Do you guys want to be credited on the modpage?

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I personally don't provide assistance (when i can) for cudos or to be credit in a mod page, but to share knowledge and know how, is the only way to create better future modders, in the end... we all win...

I'm glad you could make it work and that you are in the right path !.

Have a happy modding.
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