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Having CTD when i am in werewolf form trying to hit tab to look at per


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i am having a CTD when i am in werewolf form and i hit the tab key to look at my perks etc, it also does it in vampire lord form... so if i choose to be a vampire in dawnguard and he tells me to hit tab to progress in the story, i CTD i cant figure it out, im about to download boss, to get my load order sorted out if its a load order issue causing problems... but im wondering if from a update it might be broken... cause of my lack of internet right now i havent been able to update to the 1.8 version of skyrim and i am not running the unoffical patches for skyrim or downguard.. i didnt notice it till recently when i became a vampire and i reverted back to see if it was the same issue while i was in werewolf form also.... need a lil help. gonna post my mod list as is today. little feedback would be much appreciated, thanks in advance to anyone who can help.


i have nmm, but i cant seem to figure how i can snag how my load order looks atm -.- kinda tired might need some help with that since its not like omod for oblivion and i can do that one quick.


thanks!! ill post the load order as soon as possible

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