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Better looking Skyrim


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First hand, I apologize if this is in the wrong section.


More importantly, I'm looking for a mod setup that will make Skyrim look a lot, if not significantly, better. Primarily things such as roads, land, trees/flora/grass, buildings/walls/mics items. As well as better looking people. And while I've given my own go at it, I feel like some more experienced knowledge would do me some good.


So perhaps you'd be willing to share with me your mods and load order?

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Check my mod list, from numbers: 070 - 073, 150 - 152, 900-910 and 993-999.

And, Project ENB 1.4.


"edited out for space ~bit"


Hope it helps.





I noticed that you don't have (851) ticked. Was there a conflict or something?

Edited by bittheif
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Ohh! True..


No, its because at the moment I took this Sshot, I was testing my mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27028/...

And the Immersive armors also deals with NPC armors and LevelList, so I deactive him to test my mod settings. :)



Thanks for linking your mod, didn't know about it, was glad to read in the description says it's compatible with Immersive Armor. Sweet, more junk to add :D

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Project tamriel OR Ultra Realistic World lighting






Lush Grass


Just try them, they are easy to install and no FPS drops, been using that combo myself.


ENB's are otherwise good, but they are just a bit too shiny for my tastes, + they cause FPS drops occasionally.


Ultra Realistic world lighting is good if you just want better looking lights, not weather effects.

I haven't tried to combine URW and Project tamriel with bashed patch, but I think it would maybe work pretty well.

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