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Far Cry

Runtime Error


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The mod was running great until last night. Last night I made some changes and then patched the mod. When I went to run the game it wouldn't start. No errors, nothing. I then downloaded the latest Reistance Mod version and it had issues with Far Cry but at least it told me there were issues with the fatch.fat file. I verifed the Far Cry 5 files in steam and there were issues. Steam dowloaded about 6GB worth of files and installed them. This morning when I run the mod, the mod fires up as normal but when I try to run FC5 I get a runtime error. I've uninstalled FC5 and am now in the process of re-downloading it.


Is there a way to uninstall the Resistance Mod and resinstall it or is it one of those programs that doesn't really install and only runs when you run the .exe file?


I'm just looking for ideas in case reinstalling FC5 doesn't solve the problem.






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