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How is the Stoner 63 NOT a thing already!?


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I mean seriously, the title says it pretty well - And the gun itself? Its as modable as many Fallout4 weapons IRL already, and there is potential for so much more!
I'd start on it myself, but I don't think I am at quite the skill level necessary to do it justice... I'm an amature at best with 3DsMax and such *at best*... ^^;

Some links:
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoner_63
'Forgotten weapon' Youtube 'history and mechanics': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCNw9Z2Q3T0
'Forgotten weapon' Youtube 'firing': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LVWNGRjD0g&t=563s



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I mean seriously, the title says it pretty well - And the gun itself? Its as modable as many Fallout4 weapons IRL already, and there is potential for so much more!

I'd start on it myself, but I don't think I am at quite the skill level necessary to do it justice... I'm an amature at best with 3DsMax and such *at best*... ^^;


Why don't you try anyway? I've started with Blender last summer with zero prior experience, and I am starting to get the hang of it.


I'm doing my own take on AR100 (which never into production), with more modern look and sturdy build :










I got to that point in 3D modeling in about 3-4 months. More talented people probably can get there faster than me, but anyway, you gotta try these things before giving up. More people trying = better, in my opinion. :laugh:


If you need some recommendations for tutorials, let me know.

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