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Vampire lord Cons


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So... l'm a vampire lord, but can't save my game while in that form? Is that seriously how it's meant to be? l get that the inability to loot or perform any action is intended (although it seems incredibly stupid) but...

I have to admit l'm...very...disappointed with this aspect of dawnguard. the form is fun, but why would beth purposely PUT annoyances into using the form?

ie being forced to switch out every time you want to loot or harvest, etc? l'm not even talking about interacting with npcs or anything, but the utility aspect of things seems really...poorly thought out, tbh.


I did a fairly extensive search on google, but uesp doesn't mention being unable to save - the menu option's greyed out btw - and google just mentiond the ones l'm already aware of. edit - that seems like a glitch thankfully.

Edited by slainia
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I'll check that out, thanks. Looked at a couple of the vampire overhaul mods, but l want one that just enables looting, harvesting and maybe talking to followers. Some of hte other ones l looked at scaled damage and stuff, so thanks for the recommendation. :)


Yeah, it was a weird bug. Seems better now, though my game was a bit glitchy overall tonight.


i wonder why Bethesda went the route they did in terms of the more...function-oriented disadvantages, though?

I mean - i can completely understand not being able to talk to npcs etc, but if I'm a vampire I suddenly forget how to bend over and rifle someone's pockets? The shirt may get a bit ripped, yeah, but l should still be *able* to do it. lol. Wonder if they've ever given a reason or theory for it?

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i wonder why Bethesda went the route they did in terms of the more...function-oriented disadvantages, though?


Sadly, Bethesda have been (and continue) coding themselves into a corner, since the time of Morrowind. Their limitations is cemented further with every interation of the Elder Scrolls. To really get out of this quirky rot, they're going to have to ditch their code engine and start from scratch with a better foundation. But as long as they simply add onto their current infrastructure, they're going to have to keep employing these limiting work arounds. Right now, their infrastructure is creaking and showing its age.


I'm crossing my fingers that they finally develop better software for next gen games liker Fallout 4/ESVI, but... I'm not sure we should be holding on our breath. It is obvious such an undertaking will cost a lot, and so the frontrunner title will be a lot less lucrative. And sometimes, with new engines come sacrifices, one of them being less moddabilty.


I mean - i can completely understand not being able to talk to npcs etc, but if I'm a vampire I suddenly forget how to bend over and rifle someone's pockets? The shirt may get a bit ripped, yeah, but l should still be *able* to do it. lol. Wonder if they've ever given a reason or theory for it?


For this, I'm pretty sure they just wanted to keep the status quo between werewolf and vampire lord form.

Edited by Northborn
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I have better vampires mod.. and i can loot while in vampire lord form.. heck i can even use doors.. any vampire in that horrible form would just burst in screaming "BLOOOOODDDD"" but thats not the case in vanilla.. :( and thats why i love mods.. coz they fill in the void of gameplay experience.
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I have better vampires mod.. and i can loot while in vampire lord form.. heck i can even use doors.. any vampire in that horrible form would just burst in screaming "BLOOOOODDDD"" but thats not the case in vanilla.. :( and thats why i love mods.. coz they fill in the void of gameplay experience.


Still won't let you pass through narrow passages with lowered top...and somehow not sure if it is a bug or something,

while in VL form stuck in a small hallway when you use tcl to get by Serana becomes stuck on that place as well. :whistling:

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I have better vampires mod.. and i can loot while in vampire lord form.. heck i can even use doors.. any vampire in that horrible form would just burst in screaming "BLOOOOODDDD"" but thats not the case in vanilla.. :( and thats why i love mods.. coz they fill in the void of gameplay experience.


Still won't let you pass through narrow passages with lowered top...and somehow not sure if it is a bug or something,

while in VL form stuck in a small hallway when you use tcl to get by Serana becomes stuck on that place as well. :whistling:


That's due to the collision box data on the VL (due to it's size).


Try this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22132

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@ TVD - i'm downloading that, + the vamp lords can loot mod linked on that page. First time I saw the looting one I thought I read something about icnreasing the damage they do, but seems I was wrong.

Thanks for the link, be nice to be able to play as a lord without all the ...badly thought out restrictions.

l get not being able to talk to npcs (at least outside your followers) but seriously, not being able to loot et al just ticked me off.


Oh. Side note:


l did figure out whats causing the save issue. It's not a bug per se - rather l'm unable to save for several seconds after transforming to or from lord form. the save option is greyed out and f5 doesn'[t do anything. After 20 or so seconds it returrns to normal and l can save as usual. Odd, but makes sense l suppose.

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@ TVD - i'm downloading that, + the vamp lords can loot mod linked on that page. First time I saw the looting one I thought I read something about icnreasing the damage they do, but seems I was wrong.

Thanks for the link, be nice to be able to play as a lord without all the ...badly thought out restrictions.

l get not being able to talk to npcs (at least outside your followers) but seriously, not being able to loot et al just ticked me off.


Oh. Side note:


l did figure out whats causing the save issue. It's not a bug per se - rather l'm unable to save for several seconds after transforming to or from lord form. the save option is greyed out and f5 doesn'[t do anything. After 20 or so seconds it returrns to normal and l can save as usual. Odd, but makes sense l suppose.


it does (make sense) as it is a racechange command which makes you a VL so for the menus it has to reload them as well.

btw are there any mods that change the appearance of VL? :thumbsup:

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