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Clueless on how to get the game working ( SKSE error )


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Ok so for the past 11 hours i was browsing the site downloading mods to the NMM. Once i had a good amount of mods, i tried to load up the game it crashed almost instantly. So i did a bit more research on the site and found out i needed SKSE. (not sure if it matters that i installed all my mods before installing SKYui or SKSE) Followed a youtube guide to install SKSE to the best of my ability once i got SKSE onto the NMM i went into the SKSE_loader.exe (like the video said to do) to play the game with mods. So i get to where it shows the Dragonborn icon right before the Main menu appears and the game freezes. Im clueless on what else i can do to get skyrim working, any help would be amazing. I jus spent 20-30 mins going through deleting all the inactive mods aswell as mods that were "dirty" but


Recognized mods


These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action.

Skyrim.esm Active

WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm Active

RaceCompatibility.esm Active

Hideout.esm Active

Morning Fogs.esp Active

cao_InventoryPacks.esp Active

cao_DweSchematicsCheat.esp Active

cao_ToolsTrade_BuyRL.esp Active

Immersive Battles.esp Active

Immersive Brigands.esp Active

Immersive Dawnguard.esp ActiveRequires: Dawnguard (Official Bethesda DLC)


Immersive Patrols.esp Active

Immersive Travelers.esp Active

Immersive Werewolves.esp Active

Speed booster.esp Active

AmuletOfHomecoming.esp Active

Archer's.esp Active

Armor of Justice.esp Active

calyps-razorarmor.esp Active

ExplodingArrows.esp Active

LustmordVampireArmor.esp ActiveRequires: Dawnguard (Official Bethesda DLC)


Moar Kontent.esp Active

Vampguard.esp ActiveRequires: Dawnguard (Official Bethesada DLC)


WARZONES - Forsworn Variation.esp Active

WeightlessOreIngotsPeltsGems.esp Active

WeightlessFood.esp Active

WeightlessCraftedPotions.esp Active

WeightlessDragonClaws.esp Active

WeightlessDwemerSmeltables.esp Active

WeightlessPotions.esp Active

WeightlessScrolls.esp Active

WeightlessDragonBones.esp Active

WeightlessAlchemyIngredients.esp Active

DragonsEnhanced.esp Active

NoAutoSkillBooks(Better).esp Active

posion.esp Active

Hunting in Skyrim.esp Active

Artillery_DFA.esp Active

togglevampiresight.esp Active

cao_extrapockets_D100_100s.esp Active

Sneak Tools.esp Active

Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp Active

Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp Active

Locational Damage.esp Active

cao_PerkRanks.esp Active

levelingperkslite.esp Active

assassin pack.esp Active

Path of the Ranger.esp Active

Kaleen2.esp Active

MilkyGirlRaceAssassin.esp Active

MilkyGirlRaceWarrior.esp Active

TemptressVixen.esp Active




TransmutationCube.esm Active

hillside.esm Active

Throwing Knives Skill.esp Active

MRStuff.esp Active

PurpleDaedric.esp Active

BGdragonskulls.esp Active

SkuldafnArmorPack.esp Active

XRCO.esp Active

WOW MOD V2.esp Active

TheDealer 1.0.esp Active

The Haunted Forests.esp Active

The Grotto-Arena for Skyrim.esp Active

The Force.esp Active

The Bridge To Whiterun.esp Active

SLuckyD - Wounded Knee Gulch v1.0.esp Active

RoS.esp Active

RangerNightingale.esp Active

Sneaky Quiet Casting.esp Active

Nes Spellcaster v1.0.esp Active

Nazgultest.esp Active

MergedThieverySkill.esp Active

MasterVampireBlood.esp Active

MagicMastery.esp Active

LukasDetectLife.esp Active

jnwepmod.esp Active

Improved Skill Efficiency Perks.esp Active

Horn of Gondor.esp Active

hillside0_3.esp Active

Fletching.esp Active

EnchantmentsForMages.esp Active

enchantable-effects.esp Active

Emperors Light.esp Active

Draco's Powerful Artifact's Mod.esp Active

Double Effect.esp Active

DaedricTempestBow.esp Active

CoolItems1_2.esp Active

Castle Dracula.esp Active

cao_RuneSwords.esp Active

cao_Charms.esp Active

bloodbending.esp Active

Bigger Badder Lich King Version 2.0.esp Active

better_skyrim_01.esp Active

ArcaneReforgeVile.esp Active

Amulet of the Assassin.esp Active

Alaric-AssasinsBladePlusBows.esp Active

AKFRandomSpells.esp Active

KCEAssaultRifles.esp Active

the_sword_of_aeons.esp Active

Ethereal_Ghostblade.esp Active

Darksiders 2 Death Scythe.esp Active


SInce all the above addons are Active i dont see why my game is bugging out when i open using SKSE


i deleted the corrupted mods from my Skyrim folder well i think i got everything of each mod not really sure.


Just for the sake of trying i clicked on the proper icon to launch Skyrim and a message appeared saying corrupt game file. Most likely my problem is there any kind of repair tool i can run?

Edited by Davorious
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It's never a good idea to put more then one different mod in the game without testing (that way you know which one broke it) you can try posting your L/O, but most likely, you'll have to sit and deactivate the mods one by one until the game starts working again to find the culprit.


If SKSE wasn't working, SKSE would tell you it's not working, also, most mods that need SKSE simply won't do what they are suppose to do in game, not make your game not start. Crashing on load or on launch is USUALLY an ESM problem. DO you have a custom race? If so you HAVE to have RaceCompatibility.esm If you do not the game will NOT load properly.


Regardless, we can't do anything without your Load order. (List of all mods you have installed) Download BOSS if you haven't, and run it, then copy/paste the results here. Hell, it's possible just running BOSS may fix your problem. (If you haven't run it that is) The order of your mods means everything.

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It's never a good idea to put more then one different mod in the game without testing (that way you know which one broke it) you can try posting your L/O, but most likely, you'll have to sit and deactivate the mods one by one until the game starts working again to find the culprit.


If SKSE wasn't working, SKSE would tell you it's not working, also, most mods that need SKSE simply won't do what they are suppose to do in game, not make your game not start. Crashing on load or on launch is USUALLY an ESM problem. DO you have a custom race? If so you HAVE to have RaceCompatibility.esm If you do not the game will NOT load properly.


Regardless, we can't do anything without your Load order. (List of all mods you have installed) Download BOSS if you haven't, and run it, then copy/paste the results here. Hell, it's possible just running BOSS may fix your problem. (If you haven't run it that is) The order of your mods means everything.

Ok ill download it right now well as soon as i find the file for it thanks for that

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It's never a good idea to put more then one different mod in the game without testing (that way you know which one broke it) you can try posting your L/O, but most likely, you'll have to sit and deactivate the mods one by one until the game starts working again to find the culprit.


If SKSE wasn't working, SKSE would tell you it's not working, also, most mods that need SKSE simply won't do what they are suppose to do in game, not make your game not start. Crashing on load or on launch is USUALLY an ESM problem. DO you have a custom race? If so you HAVE to have RaceCompatibility.esm If you do not the game will NOT load properly.


Regardless, we can't do anything without your Load order. (List of all mods you have installed) Download BOSS if you haven't, and run it, then copy/paste the results here. Hell, it's possible just running BOSS may fix your problem. (If you haven't run it that is) The order of your mods means everything.

Ok ill download it right now well as soon as i find the file for it thanks for that

Edited by Davorious
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It's never a good idea to put more then one different mod in the game without testing (that way you know which one broke it) you can try posting your L/O, but most likely, you'll have to sit and deactivate the mods one by one until the game starts working again to find the culprit.


If SKSE wasn't working, SKSE would tell you it's not working, also, most mods that need SKSE simply won't do what they are suppose to do in game, not make your game not start. Crashing on load or on launch is USUALLY an ESM problem. DO you have a custom race? If so you HAVE to have RaceCompatibility.esm If you do not the game will NOT load properly.


Regardless, we can't do anything without your Load order. (List of all mods you have installed) Download BOSS if you haven't, and run it, then copy/paste the results here. Hell, it's possible just running BOSS may fix your problem. (If you haven't run it that is) The order of your mods means everything.


Ok ill download it right now well as soon as i find the file for it thanks for that


Ok i got Boss working now how do i copy it on the forms.

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Just drag your mouse over the entire list boss shows, so that all the mods are highlighted, then right click the highlighted section and click 'Copy' then right click in a reply box on nexus and click 'Paste' (you may have to do it a second time for 'unrecognized mods' ) You may want to edit this list into your first post in this thread so people can see it as well.
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Just drag your mouse over the entire list boss shows, so that all the mods are highlighted, then right click the highlighted section and click 'Copy' then right click in a reply box on nexus and click 'Paste' (you may have to do it a second time for 'unrecognized mods' ) You may want to edit this list into your first post in this thread so people can see it as well.

lol i feel dumb and i will do that thanks

Edited by Davorious
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sigh im thinking about deleting my game and installing it when i wake up tomorrow. My only concern is that would my adddons be removed upon deleting the game or is the NMM in different files with steam and skyrim. Or just to be safe i could backup my NMM to somethere else ( thats if i can find the file in the first place)
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