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It means exactly what it says, that that formID is trying to reference an object that is not available in that plugin. Right click on the name of the mod you're trying to edit, and click "Add new masters". A window like the launch window will pop up and you can select the files you want to add as masters. Chose the PN Core file and click ok. Your mod should now be in all bold, indicating that it has been edited.


Then you can just add the items to the form lists. However, I don't recommend this. This method will require that you make a merged patch, or compatibility patches for ALL other mods that do the same (PN Equipment file edits directly). So if you do this, unless you make a merged patch, you won't get any of the Equipment module helmet effects in your game.


The suggested method is described in the Project Nevada Modder's Guide under the section "III. Using a script to modify lists at run-time". There is an example script, and it describes the method by which you go about setting it up. No chance of conflict, since it is all done when the game is started, and no patches to have to make.

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