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Morrowind CS; where?


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I downloaded my Morrowind GOTY from gamefly (i know it says mods may not be possible, but they are), and it didn't come with a construction set..... Does anyone know where i could download one? i really REALLY want to make some of my own mods for this great game and any help would be greatly appreciated!
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You can not download it, the original Morrowind cd came with CS on a disk, and Steam and guessing other digital download versions neglected to include it sadly.
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You can not download it, the original Morrowind cd came with CS on a disk, and Steam and guessing other digital download versions neglected to include it sadly.


oy.... no offense, but i hope you're wrong 8-p


if cs download isn't possible, would you happen to know of any other programs in which i could make my own race, weapons, or armor? i can handle textures and meshes, but the script in the .esp files are a little eluding... (i understand pascal, a little C++ and .xml, but all those extra symbols in the .esp....)


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