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Better/Unique ENCHANTMENT effects


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Hey guys.


I know there are already threads in this forum that seem to discuss this or a similar topic, but I feel like this needs some fresh directions in order for something to happen already.


I KNOW that there are a lot of people that are interested in this kind of a mod, you can easily tell by the amounts of topics that discussed this already. But unfortunately noone picked this idea up and thats why I decided to "reopen" this case.


I know that I cant force anyone to create a mod for the community, and thats of course not my intention I know that modders do this in their spare time so I really appreciate it.


But I think it could prove to be a new and fresh experience for the community and for the modders aswell to create something "new". And by new I dont mean the 100,000,000st female armor mod but really something that doesnt exist or really is more special than that.


So enough talking, I guess its time to describe what I and some other people on the nexus forums have been thinking:


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


->Basically the goal is to change the default enchantment effects to look better and more awesome, and maybe to add some new enchantments (e.g. some unique or more powerful enchantment types that are usually found on stronger weapons or daedric artifacts) with their own unique visual effects. There are already some mods that go into the right direction, 3 worth mentioning in this topic:


---->Animated Enchantment Effects Flames of Oblivion

---->Elaborate Enchantments

---->Inferno Sword (link coming)


These mods are all really cool I suggest you to try them out and endorse if you like.


-But what I am aiming for, is really more general than these mods that already exist. I think the basic enchantment effects look really boring in skyrim, what I would really love to see is an overhauled visual enchantment system that really gives the player the feeling that his enchanted weapon is something special.


--> There are many ideas on how this could be realized:

-Default enchantments should be changed (fire weapons burn, frost weapons have chill effect and so on ... but also other enchantment types, like blood dripping from the blade for lifesteal effects etc...)

-Enchantments should visually scale: what I mean by that is, if a weapon is enchanted with 5 points of fire dmg it can just glow slightly, if it is enchanted with 15 points of fire dmg it should really be covered in flames and so on

-Unique enchantments, like the flames of oblivion for special and unique weapons


Here is an example of how this could look like, but Im sure everyone can imagine the outcome (credit goes to Macarthur288):




Pls contribute to this topic and tell me your opinions, thx

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