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Dragon Priest Hood with no Mask


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I'm basically looking for the opposite of this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16669


I want to be able to use the Dragon Priest Hoods with my own Masks flagged as circlets. I know how to do most of the creation kit / tes5edit editing but I don't know how to edit meshes.


This might already exist but if it does I couldn't find it.

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  • 2 months later...
I agree with you, and ask if is possible to make only a craftable and temperable Hood without mask version of Krosis, because this hood is very cool, and i think it looks fine mixed with armors,...
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  • 5 months later...

I was looking for the same thing, I even think ive seen it before, but i couldn't find it again, so I tied to do it myself

I managed to do it without editing the mesh(i have no idea how to either, just some very few basics), -->NULL texture on the mask, some flags on and off, set it as hair instead of head, and i got only the hood. there is no inside texture for it though, so there is a glimpse of transparency around the edge between the characters head, and the hood. if you are going to use it with your own mask, however, i guess that wont matter... if you are still interested, i could explain it better/ send you a .esp you can use as ref...


i can post a link i actually upload it...

Edited by KRUZiiK
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