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Flamethrower Pistol


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I've been running around with Shar's Deadly Torches and the Inquisitor Coat mods, feeling like a 40k Witch Hunter, but I'm starting to realize that something's missing...




If someone could make this a mod (I'm thinking a reskin of the Staff of Flames maybe, holding it up like a torch when it's not in use, and then pointing it forwards to unleash Hell), that would be awesome ^_^

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So long as it doesn't require dawnguard... I'd love to use such a thing~

Though of course two versions would be in order... Just because I can't have dawnguard doesn't mean others don't have it, and dawnguard's files would improve a mod like this...

Edited by Cipherthe3vil
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There is also spell called "Flames" which has the flamethrower effect you guys need :facepalm:

Also, Dragon's breath attack and Fire shout player can use, those have some fire effects too.


but I think Flames is best.

Making it a staff wouldn't be bad idea, maybe with increased damage/lower charges than basic Flames staff?


Idea is pretty good, if I'd know how to make meshes I'd try this for sure.

Hard thing with this one would probably be the flame at the end of the barrel, and does it have any other things related to it?

I've seen only this pistol in Dawn of War 2, strategy game, and I can't remember anything else.

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Yeah, I'm trying to make a Ordo Hereticus Witch Hunter in Skyrim, I already have the armor and sword, all I was missing was the Inferno Pistol. I've just been notified that StormKat's working on this mod, I'm assuming he'll let us know once it's up, if not then I will.


And about the spells and stuff... I actually have been using the Flames spell (and shouting "PURGE THE HERETIC!" at my enemies... My roommate probably thinks I'm insane), but it's just not the same...

Edited by AielloA
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