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cloud/aurora seams


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You guys know the seam we try desperatly to get rid of at the neckline of character models?



What would cause them to be appearing halfway through Auroras; & cloud formations?


I DO have many texture mods loaded. ...Thinking I had a mesh/texture mismatch I deleted all my meshes/textures in the data/sky folders & reinstalled them from zip files...no dice.


I'd ALMOST swear they are 'okay' for a moment in-game, then the more you look around & the longer you stand there the more screwed up they become with huge straight lines of seam running through them or separating cloud formations.


Could it be the "time passage" effect of the changing sky? ( I run RCRN in classic mode as well )


( I run Skyrim in Ultra with everything cranked; as well my ini file is tweaked with the ultra shadow prefs; though those things should have nothing to do with such... 1920x1080 resoloution..Is that a problem? )


Thanks in advance guys; this is really bothering me!

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I have the exact same issue with RCRN, less obvious with aurorae but really obvious with wispy clouds on a sunny day. I never see this with just vanilla. I'm trying to troubleshoot it by asking questions in the main mod thread, but so far no luck . I even uninstalled the mod and installed it again, no difference.


I wonder if there's something I installed or tweaked way long ago that I'm forgetting about, but that is now conflicting with this mod. I suppose I could uninstall and reinstall the game, just keep my saves, but I have a few other mods going (none of which officially conflict, but who knows).

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