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Help with broken mod


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Some help would be greatly appreciated.


I made a number of mods a few months ago which worked perfectly fine even with two dozen other mods loaded. Fast forward, I'm playing Skyrim for the first time in over three months and my armor mod isn't working. I don't know if it's an issue with updates to the game or to the CK. The problem is with my Dark Assassin Armor mod.


It appears the CK isn't matching the meshes and textures. I have checked all the folder paths, everything is as it was before. The female version of the armor seems to be working but the male version shows a missing texture (which isn't missing). When I look at the selected texture, I see " Marker_error:0 ". The kit isn't allowing me to reselect the appropriate texture file for the mesh.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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