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Even if I delete something, it doesn't change in game! pls help!


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Hi. I've been working on a mod for like 2 years now. And finally I've got everything to work the way I want it. But, just out of nowhere, things I deleted just wont go away. I have tried to change things in the mod. Mixing with the load order etc... Nothing. Even when I start a new game it still is there. More details of what I've done. I have been working on a realism overhaul for fallout 4. And the things I've done for example is that I have made perks which makes it so that you can get critical hits outside of vats. And when you hit someone with a critical hit, thee limb you hit gets crippled instantly. This has worked perfectly until today when I made it so this works for all races. I've been testing on the deathclaw, and I tried to make it so that small arms, like 10mm pistols can't damage the deathclaw. However, this just never works. It worked before, but now it don't. Even if I delete the whole perk, it changes nothing in the behavior when I shoot at the deathclaw.
To be more specifik. I gave the deathclaw the perk, it then changed what happened when I hit it. But it didn't work as I wanted it, so I removed the perk. But now the effects won't go away. Even if I deleted the perk.


If someone might have a clue of what I can do, please tell me. I've put a huge amount of effort in time for this to work and Im getting extremely frustrated if this is just buggy s#*! that Bethesda doesn't give a radroach's ass about in their games and programs.

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