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C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data Is computer shorthand giving the directions on where to look. what it means is:


Open my computer on your desktop.

click on C:\ - this is your hard drive

it will open a new window showing a list of folders on the C:\ drive.

Click on program Files

Click on Bethesda Softworks - any games made by Bethesda will be installed here

Click on Oblivion - this is the Oblivion Game folder

click on Data, this is the data folder where your mods will be installed.


The actual mods will have a .esp suffix, like modxyz.esp. would be the name of a mod called modxyz


There may be other files and folders in the data folder, but you don't need to worry about them until after you have gone through the help files I gave you.. The mod you want has a meshes folder that we will have to deal with then.

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