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How Do I Delay an Event


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I have this script here.


if GetObjectiveCompleted AAAexpanding 20 == 0
Imod FadeToBlackISFX
AAAVGC.KillActor Player  0 0
  SetObjectiveCompleted AAAexpanding 20 1
  SetObjectiveDisplayed AAAexpanding 30 1
RewardXP 60


and I want the killing of the actor to take place during the fade to black. could I delay it some how?

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Just set it inside a timer loop.

if GetObjectiveCompleted AAAexpanding 20 == 0
Imod FadeToBlackISFX
SetObjectiveCompleted AAAexpanding 20 1
SetObjectiveDisplayed AAAexpanding 30 1
RewardXP 60
set fTimer to 10

if fTimer > 0
set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed
AAAVGC.KillActor Player  0 0


The value of fTimer will need to be altered depending on your quest delay (if this runs in a quest script). A 1 second delay would make that a 10 second timer, but a .1 second delay makes it just a 1 second timer. If it's in an object script you'll have to play it by ear and test a few values to see how it works.


On a side note, this block will run ALL the time until that quest objective is completed. Check the wiki for info.

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