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Pipboy Disappeared. It's Gone.


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Hello, I just recently installed the pipboy readius mod, however my stupid self wanted to uninstall it, so what did I do? Deleted the pipboy files.

Now I have no pipboy at all. Whenever I open the pipboy, it's my character's arm, however I can still hear the sounds from the pipboy. If anyone has a solution, or advice it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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You have two options.


You either use the following console commands

player.equipitem 15038

player.equipitem 25b83

The first code equips the Pip-Boy 3000, the second equips the Pip-Boy glove.


Or you reinstall Pipboy Readius and follow the uninstallation instructions from the mod description.

1.) Open the mod options menu and choose the "Uninstall Mod" option.

2.) Reequip your armor, save, and quit.

3.) Deactivate Readius_NV.ESP.

4.) Optionally, delete Readius_NV.ESP and Readius_NV.BSA.

5.) Load the save and play as normal.

Edited by TheNeglected
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