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CTD: Any Help?


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I keep getting this strange CTD in one area of the game world. And it's driving me nuts...


I've attached the papyrus logs so you can help me out. I'm not seeing much, but maybe someone with some more knowledge about this stuff can offer more.


All of them relate, I think, to the same issue.


The 0 is a result of me fast traveling (to Silverdrift Lair, it seems to be around that area), clearing it, and then CTDing when I exited.

The 1 is from about 10 seconds of playing, I quicksaved right in front of the area, took about 5 steps then crashed.

The 2 is virtually the same as 1.

The 3 is after some playing, I quicksaved, then crashed, which resulted in 1 and 2.

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