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Missing Interface Keybindings


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Hey guys!

Can someone help me with a problem i have in skyrim:

In my interface the keys for recharge soulgems, level up dragon shout and in lockpickmenu the number of picks left are missing. The place where they should be i just empty.

Also when i press the key (if i remember it right, it was T ) nothing happens.


I tried verfying my game cache and checked the ngame controls, also deactivating my only 2 interface mods skyui and ihud didnt help.


If someone can tell me how i extract my loadorder and/or installed mods from NMM I will post them here as well.


edit: problem solved. it was my own dumbness and the bugged soulcairndragon shout. This topic can be deleted.

Edited by sancha_webo
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