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"Scrapyard" Melee weapons!


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All i really wanted for a melee weapon is a Fire Axe, i stole one a few years ago and its chilling in my room. They are badass weapons.

You sir deserve at least 10 internets for stealing a fire axe. I will award more internets to you when pics are provided of yourself and said fire axe hung on the wall above your bed.


But on the topic of the weapons, once the G.E.C.K comes out (anyone know an exact release date for that, btw?) I'm sure we can get someone who understands enough to implement the creations into the game. All we really need is someone to make the meshes and all that stuff. I am looking into modding for Oblivion so if I'm actually not half bad at it, don't hold your breath, though, I'm not the best at these things, I will give a crack at it.

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I used to make spikey throwing ball-things when I was a kid out of golfballs and sheetrock screws. Good times. As long as you have fingers and an opposable thumb, throwing them is no problem. A pool ball with sharpened bolts would work much better though.

I think all this would definitely add a lot to the game.

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I'd like to second the request for more melee weapons. And take into account that it's been two hundred years, and there is plenty of scrap metal and plenty of power.


I'm interested in, say, a sword that has a blade like a long machete and a knuckle guard, battle axes, short pikes or halberds. With the asthetic being a little less junkyard, instead rough and tumble weapons along medieval lines but with obvious modern influences. A longsword with the Chryslus logo clearly visible etched into the metal. A battle axe made from a cut down section of a circular saw. That sort of thing. Basically any dolt with a long, strait piece of metal, some cloth tape, and a piece of concrete to grind the metal on can make a sword, so I would reason that at some point someone would take up blacksmithing to make weapons to suppliment the unreliable and expensive firearms.


Eitherway, more weapons would be muchly appreciated!

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the geck didnt actually add any new modding abilities xcept some easier scripting and item placement... ahya and world editing... none of which help creating new melee weapons... that would be time for example... or a working animation and particle exporter...
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