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"Scrapyard" Melee weapons!


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the geck didnt actually add any new modding abilities xcept some easier scripting and item placement... ahya and world editing... none of which help creating new melee weapons... that would be time for example... or a working animation and particle exporter...



It may not have added any new modding abilities, but it certainly made everything quite a bit easier. Mostly I just meant that the GECK would make it easier to allow modders to incorporate these weapons in-game, edit their stats, and the like. No arguing with that, eh? :P


Anyways, it's not really a big deal. I was hoping somebody would like the idea as much as I did, but apparently more melee weapons just aren't in high demand. I figure if I wait around for long enough people will start to get bored of the guns, and maybe then I'll see my favorite field expanded a bit. Until then, ain't a whole lot I can do, y'know?

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Since apparently Veliv has unlocked the secret to making custom animations, I feel the urge to bump this topic in the hope someone might be able to realise our ideas. And hell, half of them don't need new animations, anyway.
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you can modify normal weapon animations resulting in conflicts with vanilla weapons... apart from that saiden storm did that like a week after fallouts release... but thats not what is needed... well prolly have to wait for FOSE until we can really add new animations


btw my dear melee people... i released somekind of samurai weapon pack, and a bigger axe/machete pack

hope you enjoy :) (not really scrapyard weapons but they look kinda old imo)

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you can modify normal weapon animations resulting in conflicts with vanilla weapons... apart from that saiden storm did that like a week after fallouts release... but thats not what is needed... well prolly have to wait for FOSE until we can really add new animations


btw my dear melee people... i released somekind of samurai weapon pack, and a bigger axe/machete pack

hope you enjoy :) (not really scrapyard weapons but they look kinda old imo)


I knew about replacing, but I thought Veliv from Project Valhalla had gotten it working without overwriting anything? Or was that only reloading animations?


In any case, I agree with the relevance of your axes and machetes mod, at the least. Have it loaded at the moment to get my fireaxe on :)

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Two more ideas that are idiotically simply and should be found just about everywhere (and should be cost wise, completely worthless)...


Rocks and Big Sticks.


It would be fun if you could pick up rocks off the ground like in the original fallout and throw them, and sticks would be just pieces of wood that are about large enough to use as a club. All you'd have to do is modify the repellent stick a little bit so it doesn't have the green crap on the end.

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I knew about replacing, but I thought Veliv from Project Valhalla had gotten it working without overwriting anything? Or was that only reloading animations?


sadly its exactly as you said... only reloading animations, and its not really working 100%... it just plays an idle animation whilst you would reload which leads to a bunch of new problems as diles are not good for evertyhing (saiden knows more)... its also a global script which can lead to extreme slowdowns if you have a bunch of these running...

and afaik there is atm no script function which can determine that you are firing and thus allow to play an idle instead but i could be wrong here...


as to stciks and rocks...

if you want to be able to pick such stuff up it will for sure onflict with dozens of mods as it will modify most of the cells... maybe one could instead replace all rock statics with containers for example which contain rocks... same for trees and sticks... but i dunno if the geck has such a batch function and if you replace em individually the above conflict occurs...

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Well we already have the block animation for some weapons would it be to much to say....have a trash can lid shield in one hand and a lead pipe in the other? :wacko:



(really want's to see a raider with trashcan lid up against auto shotty :whoops:

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