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CK not exporting custom head tint masks


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Hello all,


I am having a SLIGHT problem with a mod I am making. The mod contains a new race I made AND transformations, and the transformations use custom bodies as part of the armor mesh. The problem is, I'm using custom Head.tri files and when using the transformations, the head skin color and the body skin color of the body attached to the armor, don't match. I used TexBlend and got them pretty close, but still there is an "off" to it. Now I thought this might be an issue with certain facegen tints, however, when I change the file path on my race to use a different tint, the file-create archive to make a new .BSA in CK does NOT include the custom path or the custom tints. What could be causing this? Anyone have any ideas how I can fix this?


I had thought about packing my data as a BSA in CK, then unpacking it so I could see the file structure, adding my tints, then repacking it as a BSA using the Archive Tool, but I am unsure if this will work seeing as how CK doesn't want to include the new paths for the tints in the first place.


The tints in question are lips, eyesocket, and eyeliner, as I THINK these are the ones causing the discoloration. Please, PLEASE, correct me if I am wrong.


Thank you for your time.




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If anyone is interested, I tried my own " I wonder if this will work " . Packaged it as a BSA in CK, used a BSAunPacker, added in the tints, then used archive tool to package it again and everything worked out fine. I have no idea why CK won't included any custom tints ( or facegen meshes for that matter fyi ), but at least it allows me to see in an easy to read style my file structure and add in only what was missing.


Good luck,



Edited by Shaydow
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