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Game crashes on after bethesda logo


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I am having the closing after the Bethesda logo issue, i deactivated Moonpath but it didn't help. I would like to be able to fix it to play with any mods, but right now I just wanted to play, any suggestions?


Edit: nevermind, i was missing a dependancy

Edited by cuddlepuppy
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I am having the same problem. It has worked fine without a problem for a year. Not played for about a month, Steam did an update and needed to convert some files and I updated SKSE to the latest version. Now I can't play as it opens the logo screen I hear a couple of booms from the opening music and then it crashes to the desktop. I've not hear of moonpath so I don't think I need to turn that off.



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Could be Moonpath aint compatible with the new update on SKSE, perhaps this thread will help you some http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/821934-skse-problem/


I am having the same problem. It has worked fine without a problem for a year. Not played for about a month, Steam did an update and needed to convert some files and I updated SKSE to the latest version. Now I can't play as it opens the logo screen I hear a couple of booms from the opening music and then it crashes to the desktop. I've not hear of moonpath so I don't think I need to turn that off.



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Sweet! nice to hear it was solved :D i wonder what that mod was conflicting with.



Thanks - I don't have moonpath but turning mods off one by one isolated the problem to the Deadly Dragons mod. With that uninstalled it works fine, reinstall Deadly Dragons mod and then it crashes which is a shame as it was a good mod.

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