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Fixing Serana's hair mesh missing a SBP_141_LONGHAIR


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I have a small plugin that adds the playable flag to it and it works great except that it's missing a SBP_141_LONGHAIR partition which makes you go bald under helmets. I tried painting it on myself in Outfit Studio but the hairstyle is simply too bulky and just looks very glitchy so there's no elegant way to add it.


Would it be possible to *somehow* use the SBP_141_LONGHAIR element of another hairstyle (Female hair20 is the closest in terms of length, I think.) that doesn't go bald with a helmet on?


I've fiddled around with adding an extra part in SSEEdit and what not, but without CK and me having no idea how to use 3D tools, I've been unsuccessful.

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